DOJ Triumphs: Four Guilty in $18M Global Investment Fraud Case

News / DOJ Wins: Four Guilty in $18M Investment Fraud Case
In a resounding victory for justice, a federal jury in the Western District of Arkansas has convicted four individuals for their central roles in an elaborate investment fraud and money laundering conspiracy. The scheme, which spanned nearly a decade, swindled innocent victims out of more than $18 million. The conviction sends a clear message to those who engage in financial fraud for personal gain: You will be pursued, prosecuted, and held accountable.

The masterminds behind this complex conspiracy were John C. Nock (55) of Fayetteville, Arkansas; Brian Brittsan (67) of San Marcos, California; Kevin Griffith (67) of Orem, Utah; and Alexander Ituma (57) of Lehi, Utah, conspired under the banner of "The Brittingham Group," founded by Nock. Operating between at least 2013 and 2021, the quartet shamelessly peddled fraudulent investment opportunities, promising unattainable returns to unsuspecting victims.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department's Criminal Division remarked, "The defendants abused their positions of trust to entice victims into parting with more than $18 million." Their deceitful tactics involved manipulating the nature of their investment offerings, luring victims with the allure of exceptional returns that, in reality, were nothing but empty promises.

To further their malicious agenda and cloak their illicit activities, Nock and Brittsan instructed victims to deposit their funds into bank accounts controlled by Griffith, Ituma, and other co-conspirators. Once the money was secured within their grasp, the defendants employed an intricate network of international bank accounts to launder the ill-gotten gains, making it challenging for authorities to trace their illicit activities.

IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) Chief Jim Lee praised the collaborative efforts that led to the convictions: "Plain and simple, these four individuals ran a fraudulent scheme. They falsely represented the nature of their business and lied about potential investment returns to bilk unsuspecting victims out of more than $18 million."

Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division reinforced the significance of this conviction, stating, "The conviction of these defendants sends a strong message to criminals committing financial crimes. A single scam can destroy a company, devastate families by wiping out their life savings, or cost investors millions of dollars."
The jury found each defendant guilty on multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. If handed the maximum sentences, they could each face up to 20 years in prison for each count. Additionally, Nock faces a maximum sentence of 10 years for money laundering. A sentencing date is yet to be determined, with a federal district court judge set to consider U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The IRS-CI and the FBI worked diligently to investigate this case, with crucial assistance provided by U.S. Attorney David Clay Fowlkes and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Arkansas.

As the investigation unfolded, Trial Attorneys Philip Trout, Vasanth Sridharan, and Sara A. Hallmark of the Criminal Division's Fraud Section meticulously prosecuted the case.

This landmark conviction serves as a testament to the unwavering commitment of law enforcement agencies to safeguard the public from financial predators. It also underscores the importance of due diligence for potential investors, reminding them to thoroughly research any investment opportunities and seek professional advice when necessary.

Justice may have been delayed, but it has certainly not been denied for the victims of this audacious financial fraud. The verdict stands as a stark warning to those who exploit the trust of others for personal gain: the long arm of the law will eventually catch up with you.

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