#aml risks

Don’t risk your business.

Basel AML Index 2023

Basel Institute on Governance released the 12th Basel AML Index, assessing ML/TF risks of countries for 2023. The report publicly evaluates risk values on a scale of 1 to 10 for each country.

Asset Management and AML Risks

Asset management is a field in which AML compliance must be taken seriously in order to prevent certain types of fraud and money laundering.

Basel AML Index 2022

Basel Institute on Governance released the 11th Basel AML Index, assessing ML/TF risks of countries for 2022 using its methodology. The report publicly evaluates risk values on a scale of 1 to 10 for each country.

Identity Theft Statistics

Identity Theft statistics, exploring the prevalence, consequences, and countermeasures against this digital threat.

FATF Report: TBML Indicators

FATF has published a paper on Risk Indicators Related to Trade-Based Money Laundering to help financial institutions mitigate money laundering.

Money Laundering Risk Generated By Paper Companies

In order to mask their criminal activities, international criminal organizations resort to complex economic methods and schemes to conceal their illicit proceeds; one of these methods is to set up shell companies.

The Lottery and Money Laundering

It has long been known that casinos and other betting activities can be used by criminals to launder illegally obtained money.