Regulated Banks VS Bitcoin and Crypto

Blog / Regulated Banks VS Bitcoin and Crypto

Banking has been an integral part of our financial system for centuries, providing a secure and regulated means of storing and transferring money. However, the emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in recent years has brought about a new form of digital currency that operates outside the traditional banking system. This has led to a growing debate over the benefits and drawbacks of regulated banks versus Bitcoin and crypto. While regulated banks offer stability and security, cryptocurrencies offer decentralized transactions and the potential for financial freedom.

Understanding the Risks of Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin was born to eliminate the need to trust third-party payment systems, banks, and brokerage houses. Today, financial intermediaries' role is to provide trust has emerged from the necessity of the direct connection between the two parties, thanks to Bitcoin's underlying technology.

One of the easiest ways to buy Bitcoins is through crypto trading platforms. Today, almost all platforms comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) principles. In line with these principles, users must declare their identity information while registering for crypto trading platforms. Some platforms allow users to make Bitcoin transactions without exceeding certain limits and without revealing their identity information to their users.

The security of Bitcoin working with blockchain technology has been among the most questioned and speculated issues since the birth of cryptocurrencies. In the first years of its emergence, Bitcoin, which was frequently introduced for use in terrorist financing, money laundering, and illegal payments due to its semi-anonymity, often made headlines with hacking incidents and fear. However, today it is possible to say that it appeals to a vast audience and can be used as an investment tool.

The Bitcoin network has a high level of security. Blockchain technology allows transactions to be carried out within a high-security framework thanks to its distributed cryptography infrastructure. No hack or theft has ever happened directly over the Bitcoin network. Infrastructure problems of low-security platforms traps are Ponzi Schema; security weaknesses caused by people or intermediaries through fishing and similar means can cause such events to occur.

The UK Treasury said that Bitcoin is preferred for cybercrime, not money laundering. In the monetary policies report prepared by the United Kingdom Undersecretariat of Treasury, statements were made about cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin. Using a quote from the National Crime Agency report, the use of Bitcoin in the criminal world was examined. The report pointed out that Bitcoin is not a suitable tool for money laundering.

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Most Highlight Results

  • Cryptocurrencies can be an effective tool to secure financial inclusion.
    • %50 Agree %20 Neither Agree nor Disagree, %26 Disagree
  • When thinking about the global use of cryptocurrency, do you think of it mainly as a risk or opportunity? 
    • Risk%55, opportunity %26, Neutral %14
  •  Are you mainly worried about criminal activity or consumer protection when thinking about cryptocurrency risk?
    • Criminal Activity %61, neutral %20, Consumer Protection %17
  • How prepared do you feel that cryptocurrency exchanges are to deal with and protect against the above cybercrime activities?
    • Unprepared %51, Neutral %21, Prepared %15 
  •  Cryptocurrency transactions are compatible with sanction screening and transaction monitoring.
    • Disagree %49, Neither Agree nor Disagree %19, Agree %29.
  •  Cryptocurrency transactions offer more transparency than traditional financial transactions.
    • %54 Disagree, %17 Neither Agree nor Disagree, %27 Agree.
  • Cryptocurrency service providers have a firm grasp on AML/CFT compliance.
    • %50 Disagree, %23 Neither Agree nor Disagree, %20 Agree.
  • In five years, cryptocurrencies will be an effective tool for financial inclusion.
    • %46 Agree%23, NeitherAgree nor Disagree, %24 Disagree.

The survey shows that respondents are divided over whether they see cryptocurrency as a risk or an opportunity. There is a significant difference between government and financial industry perceptions and the votes of those directly involved in the crypto industry. The cryptocurrency industry believes that transactions offer more transparency than traditional financial transactions. Rick Mcdonell, the co-author of the survey, said, " The survey results give a unique global insight into how respondents and the crypto industry itself think about cryptocurrency: its potential and risky."

money laundering and terrorist financing risks facing by crypto industry and guide for prevention

Understanding the Risks of Regulated Banks 

Leaked official FinCen documents revealed that five major banks - Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JP Morgan, Bank of New York Mellon, and Standard Chartered Bank - were laundering money. The leak of The official Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) documents revealed that more than $ two trillion US dollars were laundered. As a result of this incident, financial institutions became skeptical about implementing AML laws. On the other hand, Dirty money still flows freely into infamous global banks.

Today, financial institutions should be able to handle transactional risk in real-time to protect their customers without reducing the customer experience or transaction process. This requires a compound of broad insights and specific tactics, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, real-time transactional data analysis, and greater collaboration across the industry to uncover potential criminal activity. Investing in technology and performing the necessary processes is essential in preventing financial crimes and other illegal activities with which it is often associated, such as human trafficking and terrorist financing.

Regulation plays an essential role in preventing financial crime, but regulatory compliance is not a magic wand, especially in a fast-moving industry. Financial institutions should consider the risks they face and take the necessary measures to reduce these risks and protect their customers. 

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